
We consider that we have a special responsibility towards our shareholders, employees and business partners, as well as towards everything around us. We make sure that, in everything we do, we adopt a comprehensive vision and consider the potential impact on society and the environment.

For us, sustainability was a strategic priority before it took the form of a dedicated report. Our mission is to provide efficient solutions for people and the environment. Over time, we have invested in the recycling department, in the photovoltaic plant and we are implementing digital solutions for a paperless organizational culture.
management sustenabilitate teraplast

The TeraPlast sustainability report is drafted in accordance with a set of international standards in the field of sustainability. Until 2020, non-financial issues were presented in the non-financial statement, integrated in the Management Report and detailed in the Non-financial Report.

At TeraPlast, we recognize the benefits and importance of responsible development and align ourselves to the international best practices. We set ourselves goals of continuous improvement to bring added value to both our employees and customers, as well as to our shareholders. We promote transparency in our relationship with stakeholders and consider it vital to provide complete, accurate and timely information to investors, shareholders, employees, business partners and the local community.

Reporting principles

The annual sustainability report is drafted in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards, the Core option and complies with the provisions of Orders no. 1938/2016 and 2844/2016 issued by the Ministry of Public Finance regarding reported information.
In addition, since April 2021, TeraPlast has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact initiative. Thus, we undertake to act responsibly in what we do, in accordance with the 10 principles, and to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN initiative.

Our approach

The topics addressed and analysed in the report refer to the impact that the activity of TeraPlast SA has on the economy, the environment and the society in which it operates. The relevant topics for the report were established by consulting the stakeholders, according to the principles that apply in the preparation of the materiality analysis.

The TeraPlast Sustainability Report will be published annually following the re-application of the stakeholder consultation methodology to re-evaluate and address themes of interest. These will be addressed in the chapters of the report depending on the degree of interest and performance indicators monitored by TeraPlast.

Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct TeraPlast Group